Virtual off-ice Choreo Lab
Thank you for joining us for the live stream of our free off-ice Choreo Lab featuring special guest artists!
Online Off-Ice Edge Class
Thank you for joining us every Tuesday for our Virtual Off-Ice Edge Class. We are currently on Summer hiatus but if you want to try our previous classes check them out below.
Coronavirus update
In response to the Coronavirus Pandemic ITNY is suspending all programming and the office will remain closed for the time being. We will post updates as soon as new information is available.
PSA Articles about 2019 Gala
The Professional Skaters Association's Magazine covered ITNY's 2019 Gala honoring Frank Carroll and the Hughes Family.
Olympic Talk - Evan Lysacek
We were featured on the NY Times' Instagram page in the series "Speaking In Dance"
Ice Ball 2020 Photos
Pictures from the annual Ice Ball on Monday January 13 at the rink at Bryant Park.