FREE Winter Holiday Skating Celebration and Tree Lighting

The Rink at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park
Riverside Drive and 145th Street in Harlem
Saturday, December 10 at 4PM
Performances by the ITNY Ensemble and with the participation of Riverbank Figure Skating Club, Figure Skating in Harlem, the Sky Rink All Stars, junior apprentices and guest performers. At the end of the event Santa makes an appearance and we light up the tree.
EXPERIENCE Photo Credit Josef Pinlac
Performer Kina Nagasaki
Choreography by Brigitte Altenhaus
Music Ludovico Einaudi
OF WATER AND ICE Photo Credit Josef Pinlac
Performers Valerie Levine and Sarah France
Choreography by Douglas Webster
Music DJ Spooky
SLEIGH RIDE TOGETEHER Photo Credit Josef Pinlac
Performers Riverbank Figure Skating Club
Choreography by Abigail Rich and Rebecca Santiago
STAR WARS CHRISTMAS Photo Credit Josef Pinlac
Performer Jake Mao
Coached by Marc Weitzman
SANTA TELL ME Photo Credit Josef Pinlac
Performers Andrea and Selena Alphonse
Music Ariana Grande
ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS Photo Credit Josef Pinlac
Performer Ella Bauer
Choreography by Kaitlyn Weaver
CANDY CANE LANE Photo Credit Josef Pinlac
Performers Sky Rink All Stars
Choreography by Marni Halasa
LION KING Photo Credit Josef Pinlac
Performers Figure Skating in Harlem
Coached by Ila Epperson and Virginia Chiang
DORIS DAY HOLIDAY Photo Credit Josef Pinlac
Performer Georgina Blackwell
Choreography by Eliot Halverson
BABY IT'S COLD OUTSIDE Photo Credit Josef Pinlac
Performers Sarah France and Aaron Singletary
Choreography by Douglas Webster
TAKE FIVE Photo Credit Josef Pinlac
Performer Danil Berdnikov
Choreography by Eliot Halverson
HOLIDAY PIECE Photo Credit Josef Pinlac
Performers Oona and Gage Brown
Choreography by Joel Dear
This program is supported, in part, by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Kathy Hochul and the New York State Legislature. ITNY is also supported by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council, and NYC Council Member Shaun Abreu and by Dance/NYC'S Coronavirus Dance Relief Fund.
Additionally, ITNY receives funding from Bloomberg Philanthropies, Lisa McGraw Figure Skating Foundation, the Will Sears Foundation, and its generous private patrons.