Thursday, March 6th at 6:15 PM at Wollman Rink

When Atoms Embrace, Liz Yoshiko Schmidt

Take Five, Danil Berdnikov

Baby It's Cold Outside, Sarah France and Aaron Singletary

Tuesday, February 11th at 12:30 PM at Bryant Park

La Revolte Des Enfants, Sarah France, Valerie Levine, Libby McGrosky

Photo Credit Robert Dea

Love, Sarah Baetge

Photo Credit Robert Dea, Amy Krut and Robyn Roth-Moise

A Change is Gonna Come, Emmanuel Savary

Photo Credit Robert Dea

Thursday, February 6th at 6:15 PM at Wollman Rink

La Revolte Des Enfants, Sarah France, Valerie Levine, Libby McGrosky

Beauty and the Beast, Sarah Baetge

Tuesday, January 14th at 12:30 PM at Bryant Park

Pepermint Patty, Liz Yoshiko Schmidt

Photo Credit Josef Pinlac
Baby It's Cold Outside, Sarah France & Aaron Singletary

Photo Credit Josef Pinlac
Language of the Soul, Danil Berdnikov

Photo Credit Josef Pinlac

Thursday, January 9th at 6:15 PM at Wollman Rink

Pepermint Patty, Liz Yoshiko Schmidt

Language of the Soul, Danil Berdnikov

Tuesday, November 12th at 12:30 PM at Bryant Park

Love, Performed by Sarah Baetge

Photo Credit: Josef Pinlac, Robert Dea

2024 Junior Rhythm Dance, Performed by Emily Renzi & William Lissauer

Photo Credit: Josef Pinlac, Robert Dea, Pierre Gascon

Language of the Soul, Performed by Danil Berdnikov

Photo Credit: Josef Pinlac, Robert Dea

About Ice Theatre of New York

Founded by Moira North, ITNY's mission is to celebrate and advance dance on ice as a performance art. Through its performances in both traditional and site-specific venues, ITNY presents ice dance that helps to open one’s eyes to seeing skating in new and unexpected ways. ITNY was the very first ice dance company to receive dance program funding from the National Endowment for the Arts, the New York State Council on the Arts and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs. www.icetheatre.org

ITNY is supported, in part, by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Kathy C. Hochul and the New York State Legislature. ITNY is also supported by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council, and NYC Council Members Abreu, Bottcher, Marte and Powers. ITNY's Manhattan programming is funded in part by a grant from the New York City Tourism Foundation.

Additionally, ITNY receives funding from Bloomberg Philanthropies, The Daniel & Corrine Cichy Memorial Foundation, The Lisa McGraw Figure Skating Foundation, the Will Sears Foundation, and its generous private patrons.

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