2021 Pivoting Through The Pandemic

Our spring broadcast of Pivoting Through The Pandemic was a great success.
In case you missed the streaming or you would like to see it again - here is the video:
Here are some reactions of our patrons:
"Wow! Kudos to you on a beautiful presentation! Really one of the best virtual galas I’ve seen! It was all fabulous, but my FAVORITE piece was Kaitlyn Weaver...what a doll! That choreography, performance, costume, music, camera work, editing and her face were all simply magical! I wanna be her when I grow up!" - JoJo Starbuck, Olympian
"It was a great event .. Kaitlyn. Elladj and Jason were so impressive. Loved Kaitlyn dancing to Carole King, The Pivot Dance, everything Elladj did and Jason is a real leader - The poem was powerful and I actually downloaded it. They are great ambassadors/spokespersons for their sport and these turbulent times. Also really interesting is how they see the sport changing and being more diverse and inclusive. Love what you are doing with the children. It is important and I believe Arts matter .. providing essential skills, creative thinking, perseverance, teamwork, self discipline and not to mention the freedom to dream. Can't believe I never heard and that this was my first exposure to the Ice Theatre!"
- Michael Blankman
"Wow, what a great program. Lots of outstanding performances. Hadn't heard of Elladj Baldé before — wow. And the Pivoting sequence was gorgeous, including the filming. How on earth did you do that?! The person filming had to be part of the choreography. Amazing, and beautiful!" - Michael Snow
"Thank you so, so much for the kind invitation for this show. It was truly fabulous. And the "after-show party” was so much fun! I stayed until the end I was enjoying it so much."
- Susan D. Russell, Publisher of International Figure Skating magazine
"Congratulations on tonight and all your AMAZING , never ending accomplishments as well as your on going creativity. I am a big fan! You keep my passion alive for my beloved sport!"
- Louise Dawe
"Great work by you and the team in putting together the ITNY Pivoting event together. It was really engaging and there were many more segments than I expected. I know it has to be hard with the limited Ice time COVID has permitted. Thank you for enriching the Arts and skating. I had a nice exchange with others in the Skating and dance community related to the program." - Fred Sullivan
"Congratulations on a spectacular event! The pieces were all moving and the discussion was such a pleasure to listen to. Thank you for having me as a part of this very special live-stream, that I know we will always remember - it was an honor to be involved. Congrats again!" - Kate Gauthier, Performer
"I watched the show and it was beautiful, congratulations. It was so well put together. I didn't know you have all that aerial work as well and then the roller skating, such a blend of so many different things, it was amazing. Thank you also for the shout out on the retrospective, I was very touched."
- Katherine Healy, ITNY Alumna
"I just wanted to write and express how wonderful I thought last night was. It went above and beyond my expectations. I knew what the prerecorded bits would be like, but I felt the true gleaming star of the show was the artists q&a. I almost feel like (not almost - I DO feel like) we should try and incorporate this into our programming in the future. Even live...the ability to connect and hear the skaters discuss their craft and their changing relationship to skating was really a special treat." - Eli Beller, Trustee
"I just got the opportunity to watch Pivoting. What a wonderful delight! Thank you for letting me see artistic skating and old friends too." - Matthew Herson